Comparison of rings: Agaricus bernardii vs Agaricus arvensis


Comparison of rings: agaricus bernardii vs agaricus arvensis

Agaricus bernardii (left), Agaricus arvensis (Horse Mushroom, right)

The ring of the A. bernardii is low on the stem, while the ring of the A. arvensis is high.

The ring of the A. bernardii can be “pulled down”, while the ring of the A. arvensis can be “pulled up”.

Agaricus arvensis. Horse mushroom.


Agaricus arvensisAgaricus arvensis (åkersjampinjong). Horse mushroom.

The cap and the stem turn yellowish on bruising. Smells of almonds.

Double ring, the lower has a star-shape.

Note that the ring of the Agaricus arvensis cannot be “pulled down” like the ring of the Agaricus bernardii; in the Agaricus arvensis, the ring can be “pulled up”.

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Agaricus bernardii


Agaricus bernardii

Agaricus bernardii (Veisjampinjong)

Apart from the striking smell (fishy?), which makes this edible mushroom uninteresting for most Norwegians, note also that the ring can be “pulled down”. By contrast, the ring on the Agaricus arvensis (åkersjampinjong) cannot be “pulled down”; it can be “pulled up”. Always something new to learn!

Turns reddish orange upon bruising (see below)



Writer Ava Chin on her encounter with the Agaricus bernardii.

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